AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software : Downloads alpha

AIX Toolbox for Open Source Software

The official site for downloading  GNU and open source tool packages for AIX

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  • The AIX Toolbox team recommends using DNF to install and manage Open Source software packages and dependencies
  • The AIX Toolbox packages are not supported through IBM AIX support cases.
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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter A
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
a2ps 4.13 License RPM SRPM 'GNU a2ps is an Any to PostScript filter.'
abseil-cpp-devel 20230802.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for abseil-cpp'
abseil-cpp 20230802.0 License RPM SRPM 'Abseil Common Libraries (C++)'
aix-x11-pc 1.0 License RPM SRPM 'pkg-config files for AIX X11 libraries'
ansible-core 2.14.13 License RPM SRPM 'A radically simple IT automation system'
ansible 7.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Curated set of Ansible collections included in addition to ansible-core'
apr-devel 1.7.4 License RPM SRPM 'APR library development kit'
apr-util-devel 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'APR utility library development kit'
apr-util-ldap 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'APR utility library LDAP support'
apr-util-pgsql 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'APR utility library PostgreSQL DBD driver'
apr-util-sqlite 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'APR utility library SQLite DBD driver'
apr-util 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'Apache Portable Runtime Utility library'
apr 1.7.4 License RPM SRPM 'Apache Portable Runtime library'
atf-tests 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - Test suite'
atk-devel 2.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'Files necessary to develop applications using ATK'
atk 2.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'Interfaces for accessibility support'
auditbeat 7.5.2 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Audit the activities of users and processes on your system.'
auditbeat 7.5.2 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Audit the activities of users and processes on your system.'
augeas-devel 1.12.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for augeas'
augeas-libs 1.12.0 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries for augeas'
augeas 1.12.0 License RPM SRPM 'A library for changing configuration files'
autoconf-archive 2023.02.20 License RPM SRPM 'The Autoconf Macro Archive'
autoconf213 2.13 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.'
autoconf 2.71 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.'
autogen-libopts-devel 5.18.16 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libopts'
autogen-libopts 5.18.16 License RPM SRPM 'Automated option processing library based on autogen'
autogen 5.18.16 License RPM SRPM 'Automated text file generator'
automake 1.16.5 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter B
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
bash-completion 2.11 License RPM SRPM 'Programmable completion for Bash'
bash-doc 5.2.21 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation files for bash'
bash 5.2.21 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU Bourne Again shell (bash) version 5.2.21'
bbcp License RPM SRPM 'Securely and quickly copy data from source to target'
bc 1.06 License RPM SRPM 'GNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator).'
bind-devel 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development'
bind-libs-lite 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries for working with the DNS protocol'
bind-libs 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries used by the BIND DNS packages'
bind-license 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'License of the BIND DNS suite'
bind-lite-devel 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'Lite version of header files and libraries needed for BIND DNS development'
bind-utils 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'Utilities for querying DNS name servers'
bind 9.14.5 License RPM SRPM 'The Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND) DNS (Domain Name System) server'
binutils-devel 2.41 License RPM SRPM 'BFD and opcodes static and dynamic libraries and header files'
binutils-gccgov1 2.41 License RPM SRPM 'Contains copycsect for GCCGo'
binutils 2.41 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU binutils development utilities'
bison 3.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU general-purpose parser generator.'
blas-devel 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'BLAS development libraries'
blas 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'The BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms) library.'
bzip2-devel 1.0.8 License RPM - 'Header files developing apps which will use bzip2'
bzip2 1.0.8 License RPM - 'A file compression utility'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter C
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
ca-certificates 2024.2.66 License RPM SRPM 'The Mozilla CA root certificate bundle'
cairo-devel 1.18.0 License RPM SRPM 'Cairo developmental libraries and header files'
cairo 1.18.0 License RPM SRPM 'A vector graphics library'
calico-cni 3.3.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Calico CNI plugin'
calico-node 3.3.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Cloud native application connectivity and network policy'
calicoctl 3.3.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Calico CLI tool'
ccache-swig 4.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Fast compiler cache'
cdda2wav 3.01 License RPM SRPM 'A utility for sampling/copying .wav files from digital audio CDs.'
cdrecord-devel 1.9 License RPM SRPM 'The libschily SCSI user level transport library.'
cdrecord 1.9 License RPM SRPM 'A command line CD/DVD recording program.'
cdrtools-devel 3.01 License RPM SRPM 'The libschily SCSI user level transport library.'
cdrtools 3.01 License RPM SRPM 'A command line CD/DVD recording program.'
check-devel 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and headers for developing programs with check'
check 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'A unit test framework for C'
clamav-devel 1.0.7 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner'
clamav-devel 1.0.7 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for the Clam Antivirus scanner'
clamav 1.0.7 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Antivirus Toolkit'
clamav 1.0.7 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Antivirus Toolkit'
cloud-init-doc 22.1 License RPM SRPM 'Cloud node initialization tool - Documentation'
cloud-init-test 22.1 License RPM SRPM 'Cloud node initialization tool - Testsuite'
cloud-init 22.1 License RPM SRPM 'Cloud node initialization tool'
cloudctl (7.2) License RPM - 'IBM Cloud Private CLI'
cmake-data 3.26.4 License RPM SRPM 'Common data-files for cmake'
cmake 3.26.4 License RPM SRPM 'Cross-platform, open-source build system'
community-mysql-common 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'The shared files required for MySQL server and client'
community-mysql-debug 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'MySQL server binaries compiled with debug flags'
community-mysql-devel 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'Files for development of MySQL applications'
community-mysql-errmsg 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'The error messages files required by MySQL server'
community-mysql-libmysqlxclient-static 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'MySQL libmysqlxclient library'
community-mysql-libs 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'The shared libraries required for MySQL clients'
community-mysql-server 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'The MySQL server and related files'
community-mysql-test 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'The test suite distributed with MySQL'
community-mysql 8.0.20 License RPM SRPM 'MySQL client programs and shared libraries'
coreutils 9.5 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU core utilities'
cpio 2.15 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU archiving program'
cppunit-devel 1.15.1 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and headers for cppunit development'
cppunit-doc 1.15.1 License RPM SRPM 'HTML formatted API documention for cppunit'
cppunit 1.15.1 License RPM SRPM 'C++ unit testing framework'
cppzmq-devel 4.10.0 License RPM SRPM 'Header-only C++ binding for libzmq'
createrepo 0.10.3 License RPM SRPM 'Creates a common metadata repository'
createrepo_c-devel 0.16.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c-devel 0.16.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c-devel 0.16.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c-libs 0.16.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c-libs 0.16.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c-libs 0.16.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Library for repodata manipulation'
createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Creates a common metadata repository'
createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Creates a common metadata repository'
createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Creates a common metadata repository'
criwpar 0.2.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Container Runtime Interface for WPARs'
cscope 15.9 License RPM SRPM 'C source file browser'
CUnit-devel 2.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for CUnit development'
CUnit 2.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'Unit testing framework for C'
cups-client 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'CUPS printing system - client programs'
cups-devel 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Common Unix Printing System - development environment'
cups-ipptool 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Common Unix Printing System - tool for performing IPP requests'
cups-libs 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Common Unix Printing System - libraries'
cups-lpd 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Common Unix Printing System - lpd emulation'
cups 2.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Common Unix Printing System'
curl-devel 8.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the curl libary'
curl 8.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'get a file from a FTP or HTTP server.'
cvs 1.11.23 License RPM SRPM 'A version control system'
cvsps 2.2b1 License RPM SRPM 'Patchset tool for CVS'
cyrus-sasl-devel 2.1.28 License RPM SRPM 'Development package for the cyrus-sasl'
cyrus-sasl 2.1.28 License RPM SRPM 'Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL).'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter D
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
db-devel 5.3.28 License RPM SRPM 'C development files for the Berkeley DB (version 5) library'
db 5.3.28 License RPM SRPM 'The Berkeley Database, the Open Source embedded database system'
dbus-devel-doc 1.14.8 License RPM SRPM 'Developer documentation package for D-Bus'
dbus-devel 1.14.8 License RPM SRPM 'Developer package for D-Bus'
dbus 1.14.8 License RPM SRPM 'D-Bus Message Bus System'
dejagnu 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'A front end for testing other programs.'
dejavu-lgc-sans-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Variable-width sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset'
dejavu-lgc-sans-mono-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Monospace sans-serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset'
dejavu-lgc-serif-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Variable-width serif font faces, Latin-Greek-Cyrillic subset'
dejavu-sans-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Variable-width sans-serif font faces'
dejavu-sans-mono-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Monospace sans-serif font faces'
dejavu-serif-fonts 2.37 License RPM SRPM 'Variable-width serif font faces'
deltaiso 3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Create deltas between isos containing rpms'
deltarpm 3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Create deltas between rpms'
diffutils 3.10 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU collection of diff utilities.'
dnf-automatic 4.2.17 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager - automated upgrades'
dnf-automatic 4.2.17 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager - automated upgrades'
dnf-automatic 4.2.17 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager - automated upgrades'
dnf-data 4.2.17 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Common data and configuration files for DNF'
dnf-data 4.2.17 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Common data and configuration files for DNF'
dnf-data 4.2.17 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Common data and configuration files for DNF'
dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
dnf-utils 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer'
dnf-utils 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer'
dnf-utils 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Yum-utils CLI compatibility layer'
dnf 4.2.17 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager'
dnf 4.2.17 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager'
dnf 4.2.17 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Package manager'
docbookx 4.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'XML document type definition for DocBook 4.1.2'
dos2unix 7.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'Text file format converters'
drpmsync 3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Sync a file tree with deltarpms'
duo_unix-devel 1.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files and documentation for duo_unix'
duo_unix-doc 1.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation and license files for duo_unix'
duo_unix 1.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Duo two-factor authentication for UNIX systems'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter E
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
emacs-nox 29.1 License RPM SRPM 'The Emacs text editor without support for the X Window System.'
emacs-X11 29.1 License RPM SRPM 'The Emacs text editor for the X Window System.'
emacs 29.1 License RPM SRPM 'The libraries needed to run the GNU Emacs text editor.'
etcd 3.4.14 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system'
etcd 3.4.14 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system'
etcdctl 3.4.14 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Command-line client for etcd.'
etcdctl 3.4.14 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Command-line client for etcd.'
expat-devel 2.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files to develop applications using expat'
expat 2.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'An XML parser library'
expect-devel 5.45.4 License RPM SRPM 'A program-script interaction and testing utility'
expect 5.45.4 License RPM SRPM 'A program-script interaction and testing utility'
expectk 5.45.4 License RPM SRPM 'A program-script interaction and testing utility'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter F
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
fdupes 2.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Finds duplicate files in a given set of directories'
file-devel 5.45 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files for file development'
file-libs 5.45 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries for applications using libmagic'
file 5.45 License RPM SRPM 'A utility for determining file types'
filebeat 7.5.2 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch.'
filebeat 7.5.2 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Filebeat sends log files to Logstash or directly to Elasticsearch.'
findutils 4.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs).'
fio 3.35 License RPM SRPM 'Multithreaded IO generation tool'
flex 2.6.4 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers)'
fontconfig-devel 2.14.2 License RPM SRPM 'Font configuration and customization library'
fontconfig 2.14.2 License RPM SRPM 'Font configuration and customization library'
freeradius-pam 2.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'PAM Module for RADIUS Authentication'
freetype2-demos 2.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'A collection of FreeType demos'
freetype2-devel 2.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'FreeType development libraries and header files'
freetype2 2.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'A free and portable font rendering engine'
fribidi-devel 1.0.13 License RPM SRPM 'The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.'
fribidi 1.0.13 License RPM SRPM 'The Free Implementation of the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm.'
fswatch-devel 1.17.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for fswatch'
fswatch 1.17.1 License RPM SRPM 'A cross-platform file change monitor'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter G
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
ganglia-devel 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Library http'
ganglia-gmetad 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Meta daemon http'
ganglia-gmond-python-examples 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon python metric modules (Linux examples)'
ganglia-gmond-python 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon python DSO and metric modules'
ganglia-gmond 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon http'
ganglia-lib 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Meta daemon http'
ganglia-mod_aixdisk 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module aixdisk'
ganglia-mod_ibmame 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmame'
ganglia-mod_ibmams 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmams'
ganglia-mod_ibmfc 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmfc'
ganglia-mod_ibmnet 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmnet'
ganglia-mod_ibmpower 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmpower'
ganglia-mod_ibmrperf 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Monitor daemon module ibmrperf'
ganglia-web 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Ganglia Web Frontend'
gawk 5.2.2 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU version of the awk text processing utility.'
gc-devel 8.2.4 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files for gc development'
gc 8.2.4 License RPM SRPM 'A garbage collector for C and C++'
gcc-c++ 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc-c++ 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc-c++ 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc-cpp 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc-cpp 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc-cpp 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc-gfortran 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc-gfortran 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc-gfortran 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc-go 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc-go 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc-go 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc10-c++ 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc10-c++ 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc10-c++ 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc10-cpp 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc10-cpp 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc10-cpp 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc10-gfortran 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc10-gfortran 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc10-gfortran 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc10-go 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc10-go 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc10-go 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc11-c++ 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc11-c++ 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc11-c++ 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc11-cpp 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc11-cpp 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc11-cpp 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc11-gfortran 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc11-gfortran 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc11-gfortran 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc11-go 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc11-go 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc11-go 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc12-c++ 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc12-c++ 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc12-cpp 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc12-cpp 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc12-gfortran 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc12-gfortran 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc12-go 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc12-go 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc6-c++ 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc6-c++ 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc6-cpp 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc6-cpp 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc6-gfortran 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc6-gfortran 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc6 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc6 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc7-c++ 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc7-c++ 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc7-cpp 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc7-cpp 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc7-gfortran 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc7-gfortran 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc7 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc7 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc8-c++ 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc8-c++ 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc8-c++ 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'C++ support for GCC'
gcc8-cpp 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc8-cpp 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc8-cpp 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The C Preprocessor'
gcc8-gfortran 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc8-gfortran 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc8-gfortran 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Fortran 95 support'
gcc8-go 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc8-go 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Go support'
gcc8-go 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go support'
gcc8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gcc 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Compiler Collection'
gdb 14.1 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU gdb debugger'
gdbm-devel 1.23 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries and header files for the gdbm library.'
gdbm 1.23 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing.'
gdk-pixbuf-devel 2.35.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for gdk-pixbuf'
gdk-pixbuf 2.35.1 License RPM SRPM 'An image loading library'
GeoIP-data 1.6.12 License RPM SRPM 'Static snapshot of GeoIP databases'
GeoIP-devel 1.6.12 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and libraries for GeoIP'
GeoIP-update 1.6.12 License RPM SRPM 'Crontab entry to facilitate automatic updates of databases'
GeoIP 1.6.12 License RPM SRPM 'C library for country/city/organization to IP address or hostname mapping'
gettext-devel 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for gettext'
gettext 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'GNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages.'
ghostscript-devel 10.02.1 License RPM SRPM 'Files for developing applications that use ghostscript.'
ghostscript-doc 10.02.1 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation for ghostscript.'
ghostscript-fonts 8.11 License RPM SRPM 'Fonts for the GhostScript interpreter'
ghostscript 10.02.1 License RPM SRPM 'A PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer.'
git-all 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package to pull in all git tools'
git-core-doc 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation files for git-core'
git-core 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Core package of git with minimal functionality'
git-cvs 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git tools for importing CVS repositories'
git-daemon 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git protocol dæmon'
git-email 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git tools for sending email'
git-gui 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git GUI tool'
git-instaweb 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Repository browser in gitweb'
git-lfs 3.5.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Git extension for versioning large files'
git-lfs 3.5.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Git extension for versioning large files'
git-subtree 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git tools to merge and split repositories'
git-svn 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git tools for importing Subversion repositories'
git 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Core git tools'
gitk 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Git revision tree visualiser'
gitweb 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Simple web interface to git repositories'
glib2-devel 2.81.0 License RPM SRPM 'A library of handy utility functions'
glib2 2.81.0 License RPM SRPM 'A library of handy utility functions'
gmock-devel 1.14.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for gmock'
gmock 1.14.0 License RPM SRPM 'Google C++ Mocking Framework'
gmp-devel 6.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for the GNU MP arbitrary precision library'
gmp 6.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU arbitrary precision library'
gnuit 4.3.20 License RPM SRPM 'A set of GNU Interactive Tools.'
gnupg2 2.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage.'
gnutls-devel 3.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the gnutls package.'
gnutls-utils 3.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Command line tools for TLS protocol.'
gnutls 3.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'A TLS protocol implementation'
golang-bin 1.22.6 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Golang core compiler tools'
golang-bin 1.22.6 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Golang core compiler tools'
golang-docs 1.22.6 License RPM SRPM 'Golang compiler docs'
golang-misc 1.22.6 License RPM SRPM 'Golang compiler miscellaneous sources'
golang-src 1.22.6 License RPM SRPM 'Golang compiler source tree'
golang-tests 1.22.6 License RPM SRPM 'Golang compiler tests for stdlib'
golang 1.22.6 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The Go Programming Language'
golang 1.22.6 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'The Go Programming Language'
gperf 3.1 License RPM SRPM 'A perfect hash function generator'
gpgme-devel 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and libraries for gpgme'
gpgme 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'GnuPG Made Easy - high level crypto API'
gpgmepp-devel 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries and header files for gpgme-pp'
gpgmepp 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'C++ bindings/wrapper for GPGME'
graphviz-devel 10.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development package for graphviz'
graphviz 10.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Graph Visualization Tools'
grep 3.7 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.'
gtest-devel 1.14.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for gtest'
gtest 1.14.0 License RPM SRPM 'Google C++ testing framework'
gtk2-devel-docs 2.24.30 License RPM SRPM 'Developer documentation for GTK+'
gtk2-devel 2.24.30 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for GTK+'
gtk2-immodule-xim 2.24.30 License RPM SRPM 'XIM support for GTK+'
gtk2-immodules 2.24.30 License RPM SRPM 'Input methods for GTK+'
gtk2 2.24.30 License RPM SRPM 'The GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X'
guile-devel 2.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library'
guile 2.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility'
gzip 1.12 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU data compression program.'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter H
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
haproxy 2.9.7 License RPM SRPM 'HAProxy reverse proxy for high availability environments'
harfbuzz-devel 7.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for harfbuzz'
harfbuzz 7.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Text shaping library'
helm 2.9.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The Kubernetes Package Manager'
help2man 1.48.5 License RPM SRPM 'Create simple man pages from --help output'
hexedit 1.4.2 License RPM SRPM 'A hexadecimal file viewer and editor.'
httpd-devel 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for the Apache HTTP server.'
httpd-manual 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation for the Apache HTTP server.'
httpd 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Apache HTTP Server'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter I
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
icp-worker 3.1.2 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'IBM Cloud Private AIX worker node'
icu 73.2 License RPM SRPM 'International Components for Unicode'
iftop 1.0pre4 License RPM SRPM 'iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage.'
ImageMagick-c++-devel License RPM SRPM 'C++ bindings for the ImageMagick library'
ImageMagick-c++ License RPM SRPM 'ImageMagick Magick++ library (C++ bindings)'
ImageMagick-devel License RPM SRPM 'Library links and header files for ImageMagick application development'
ImageMagick-doc License RPM SRPM 'ImageMagick HTML documentation'
ImageMagick-libs License RPM SRPM 'ImageMagick libraries to link with'
ImageMagick License RPM SRPM 'Viewer and Converter for Images'
info 7.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'A stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation.'
inputproto-devel 2.2 License RPM SRPM 'X11 prototype headers for input devices'
intltool 0.51.0 License RPM SRPM 'Internationalization Tool Collection'
iperf2 2.1.9 License RPM SRPM 'Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance'
iperf3-devel 3.16 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for iperf3'
iperf3 3.16 License RPM SRPM 'Measurement tool for TCP/UDP bandwidth performance'
ipmievd 1.8.19 License RPM SRPM 'IPMI event daemon for sending events to syslog'
ipmitool 1.8.19 License RPM SRPM 'Utility for IPMI control'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter J
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
jansson-devel-doc 2.14 License RPM SRPM 'Development documentation for jansson'
jansson-devel 2.14 License RPM SRPM 'Header files for jansson'
jansson 2.14 License RPM SRPM 'C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data'
jbigkit-devel 2.1 License RPM SRPM 'JBIG1 lossless image compression library -- development files'
jbigkit-libs 2.1 License RPM SRPM 'JBIG1 lossless image compression library'
jbigkit 2.1 License RPM SRPM 'JBIG1 lossless image compression tools'
jq-devel 1.7.1 License RPM SRPM 'Command-line JSON processor'
jq 1.7.1 License RPM SRPM 'A utility for determining file types'
json-c-devel 0.17 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and library for json-c'
json-c-doc 0.17 License RPM SRPM 'Reference manual for json-c'
json-c 0.17 License RPM SRPM 'A JSON implementation in C'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter K
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
krb5-devel 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'Development files needed to compile Kerberos 5 programs'
krb5-libs 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'The shared libraries used by Kerberos 5'
krb5-pkinit-openssl 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'The PKINIT module for Kerberos 5'
krb5-server-ldap 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'The LDAP storage plugin for the Kerberos 5 KDC'
krb5-server 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'The KDC and related programs for Kerberos 5'
krb5-workstation 1.21.3 License RPM SRPM 'Kerberos 5 programs for use on workstations'
kubectl 1.12.4 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Command-line utility for interacting with a Kubernetes cluster.'
kubelet 1.12.4 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'The node agent of Kubernetes, the container cluster manager.'
kubernetes-node-img 1.12.4 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Images for Kubernetes node.'
kubernetes-node 1.10.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'The node agent of Kubernetes, the container cluster manager.'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter L
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
lapack-devel 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'LAPACK development libraries'
lapack 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'The LAPACK libraries for numerical linear algebra.'
lbzip2 2.5 License RPM SRPM 'Fast, multi-threaded bzip2 utility'
lemon 3.45.3 License RPM SRPM 'A parser generator'
less 661 License RPM SRPM 'A text file browser similar to more, but better'
lftp 4.9.2 License RPM SRPM 'A sophisticated file transfer program'
libart_lgpl-devel 2.3.21 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and headers for libart_lgpl'
libart_lgpl 2.3.21 License RPM SRPM 'Library of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas'
libassuan-devel 2.5.6 License RPM SRPM 'GnuPG IPC library'
libassuan 2.5.6 License RPM SRPM 'GnuPG IPC library'
libatf-c++-devel 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - C++ bindings (headers)'
libatf-c++ 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - C++ bindings'
libatf-c-devel 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - C bindings (headers)'
libatf-c 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - C bindings'
libatf-sh-devel 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings (headers)'
libatf-sh 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Automated Testing Framework - POSIX shell bindings'
libbson-devel 1.23.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for mongo-c-driver'
libbson 1.23.2 License RPM SRPM 'Building, parsing, and iterating BSON documents'
libcmocka-devel 1.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers for the cmocka library'
libcmocka-doc 1.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'API documentation for the cmocka unit testing framework'
libcmocka 1.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Lightweight library to simplify and generalize unit tests for C'
libcomps-devel 0.1.15 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libcomps library'
libcomps 0.1.15 License RPM SRPM 'Comps XML file manipulation library'
libconfuse-devel 3.3 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libconfuse'
libconfuse 3.3 License RPM SRPM 'A configuration file parser library'
libdbi-devel 0.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libdbi (Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C)'
libdbi 0.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Database Independent Abstraction Layer for C'
libdnf-devel 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libdnf'
libdnf-devel 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libdnf'
libdnf-devel 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libdnf'
libdnf 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv'
libdnf 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv'
libdnf 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Library providing simplified C and Python API to libsolv'
libevent-devel 2.1.12 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries for libevent'
libevent 2.1.12 License RPM SRPM 'libevent is a Abstract asynchronous event notification library.'
libffi-devel 3.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libffi'
libffi 3.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'A portable foreign function interface library'
libfontenc-devel 1.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libfontenc development package'
libfontenc 1.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libfontenc runtime library'
libgcc10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 11.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 12.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 12.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc6 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 6.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc6 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 6.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc7 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 7.2.0 shared support library'
libgcc7 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 7.2.0 shared support library'
libgcc8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 8.3.0 shared support library'
libgcc 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10 shared support library'
libgcc 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10 shared support library'
libgcc 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC version 10 shared support library'
libgcrypt-devel 1.10.3 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the libgcrypt package.'
libgcrypt 1.10.3 License RPM SRPM 'A general-purpose cryptography library.'
libgd-devel 2.3.3 License RPM SRPM 'The development libraries and header files for gd'
libgd-progs 2.3.3 License RPM SRPM 'Utility programs that use libgd'
libgd 2.3.3 License RPM SRPM 'A graphics library for quick creation of PNG or JPEG images'
libgfortran10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgfortran 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard gfortran Library'
libgit2-devel 1.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libgit2'
libgit2 1.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'C implementation of the Git core methods as a library with a solid API'
libgo-devel 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo-devel 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo-devel 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo10-devel 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo10-devel 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo10-devel 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo11-devel 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo11-devel 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo11-devel 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo12-devel 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo12-devel 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo8-devel 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo8-devel 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Go development libraries'
libgo8-devel 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go development libraries'
libgo8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Go runtime'
libgo8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgo 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Go runtime'
libgomp10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp6 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp6 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp7 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp7 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgomp 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GCC OpenMP 2.5 shared support library'
libgpg-error-devel 1.49 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the libgpg-error package'
libgpg-error 1.49 License RPM SRPM 'libgpg-error'
libiconv 1.17 License RPM SRPM 'Character set conversion library, portable iconv implementation'
libicu-devel 73.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for International Components for Unicode'
libicu 73.2 License RPM SRPM 'International Components for Unicode - libraries'
libjpeg-devel 9f License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for programs which will use the libjpeg library'
libjpeg 9f License RPM SRPM 'A library for manipulating JPEG image format files'
libksba-devel 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and libraries for libksba'
libksba 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'X.509 library'
libmodulemd-devel 1.5.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libmodulemd'
libmodulemd 1.5.2 License RPM SRPM 'Module metadata manipulation library'
libmpc-devel 1.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Header and shared development libraries for MPC'
libmpc 1.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'C library for multiple precision complex arithmetic'
libnghttp2-devel 1.62.1 License RPM SRPM 'Files needed for building applications with libnghttp2'
libnghttp2 1.62.1 License RPM SRPM 'A library implementing the HTTP/2 protocol'
libpaper-devel 1.1.24 License RPM SRPM 'Headers/Libraries for developing programs that use libpaper'
libpaper 1.1.24 License RPM SRPM 'Library and tools for handling papersize'
libpcap-devel 1.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files for the libpcap library'
libpcap 1.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture'
libpng-devel 1.6.42 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files'
libpng 1.6.42 License RPM SRPM 'A library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files'
libpthread-stubs-devel 0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Devel package for libpthread-stubs'
libpthread-stubs 0.3 License RPM SRPM 'This library provides weak aliases for pthread functions not provided in libc'
librepo-devel 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Repodata downloading library'
librepo 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Repodata downloading library'
libRmath-devel 4.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Headers from the R Standalone math library'
libRmath-static 4.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Static R Standalone math library'
libRmath 4.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Standalone math library from the R project'
libsmartcols-devel 2.34 License RPM SRPM 'Formatting library for ls-like programs.'
libsmartcols 2.34 License RPM SRPM 'Formatting library for ls-like programs.'
libsmbclient-devel 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Developer tools for the SMB client library'
libsmbclient 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'The SMB client library'
libsodium-devel 1.0.19 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libsodium'
libsodium 1.0.19 License RPM SRPM 'The Sodium crypto library'
libsolv-devel 0.7.9 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libsolv'
libsolv-devel 0.7.9 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libsolv'
libsolv-devel 0.7.9 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libsolv'
libsolv-tools 0.7.9 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver tools'
libsolv-tools 0.7.9 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver tools'
libsolv-tools 0.7.9 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver tools'
libsolv 0.7.9 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver'
libsolv 0.7.9 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver'
libsolv 0.7.9 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Package dependency solver'
libssh2-devel 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libssh2'
libssh2-docs 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation for libssh2'
libssh2 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'A library implementing the SSH2 protocol'
libstdc++-devel 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++-devel 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++-devel 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++10-devel 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++10-devel 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++10-devel 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++10 10.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++10 10.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++10 10.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++11-devel 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++11-devel 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++11-devel 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++11 11.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++11 11.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++11 11.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++12-devel 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++12-devel 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++12 12.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++12 12.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++6-devel 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++6-devel 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++6 6.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++6 6.3.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++7-devel 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++7-devel 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++7 7.2.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++7 7.2.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++8-devel 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++8-devel 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++8-devel 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for C++ development'
libstdc++8 8.3.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++8 8.3.0 (7.2) License RPM - 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++8 8.3.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++ 10 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++ 10 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libstdc++ 10 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'GNU Standard C++ Library'
libtasn1-devel 4.19.0 License RPM SRPM 'Files for development of applications which will use libtasn1'
libtasn1-tools 4.19.0 License RPM SRPM 'Some ASN.1 tools'
libtasn1 4.19.0 License RPM SRPM 'This is the ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS'
libtextstyle-devel 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libtextstyle'
libtextstyle 0.21 License RPM SRPM 'Text styling library'
libtiff-devel 4.6.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for programs which will use the libtiff library'
libtiff 4.6.0 License RPM SRPM 'Library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files'
libtomcrypt-devel 1.18.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libtomcrypt'
libtomcrypt 1.18.2 License RPM SRPM 'A comprehensive, portable cryptographic toolkit'
libtommath-devel 1.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libtommath'
libtommath 1.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'A portable number theoretic multiple-precision integer library'
libtool-ltdl-devel 2.4.7 License RPM SRPM 'Tools needed for development using the GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader'
libtool-ltdl 2.4.7 License RPM SRPM 'Runtime libraries for GNU Libtool Dynamic Module Loader'
libtool 2.4.7 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU libtool, which simplifies the use of shared libraries.'
libungif-devel 4.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools for programs which will use the libungif library.'
libungif-progs 4.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Programs for manipulating GIF format image files.'
libungif 4.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'A library for manipulating GIF format image files.'
libunistring-devel 1.1 License RPM SRPM 'GNU Unicode string library - development files'
libunistring 1.1 License RPM SRPM 'GNU Unicode string library'
libunrar-devel 6.2.12 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libunrar'
libunrar 6.2.12 License RPM SRPM 'Decompress library for RAR v3 archives'
libusb 1.0.19 License RPM SRPM 'libusb for AIX'
libuv-devel 1.48.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries for libuv'
libuv-static 1.48.0 License RPM SRPM 'Platform layer for node.js - static library'
libuv 1.48.0 License RPM SRPM 'libuv is cross-platform support library which was originally written for Node.js. It is designed around the event-driven asynchronous I/O model.'
libwebp-devel 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libwebp, a library for the WebP format'
libwebp-tools 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'The WebP command line tools'
libwebp 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Library and tools for the WebP graphics format'
libXau-devel 1.0.8 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org Xau library'
libXau 1.0.8 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org Xau library'
libxcb-devel 1.14 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org xcb library'
libxcb 1.14 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org xcb library'
libXcursor-devel 1.1.14 License RPM SRPM 'X Cursor library headers'
libXcursor 1.1.14 License RPM SRPM 'X Cursor library'
libXdmcp-devel 1.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org Xdmcp library'
libXdmcp 1.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org Xdmcp library'
libXft-devel 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libXft development package'
libXft 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libXft runtime library'
libxml2-devel 2.12.9 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications'
libxml2-python3 2.12.9 License RPM SRPM 'Python bindings for the libxml2 library'
libxml2 2.12.9 License RPM SRPM 'Library providing XML and HTML support'
libXrender-devel 0.9.8 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libXrender development package'
libXrender 0.9.8 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 libXrender runtime library'
libxslt-devel 1.1.37 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries, includes, etc. to embed the GNOME XSLT engine'
libxslt 1.1.37 License RPM SRPM 'Library providing the GNOME XSLT engine'
libyaml-devel 0.2.5 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for LibYAML applications'
libyaml 0.2.5 License RPM SRPM 'YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C'
libzip-devel 1.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for libzip'
libzip-tools 1.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'Command line tools from libzip'
libzip 1.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives'
libzstd-devel 1.5.2 License RPM SRPM 'Header files for Zstd library'
libzstd 1.5.2 License RPM SRPM 'Zstd shared library'
lightgbm-devel 4.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for lightgbm'
lightgbm-python3 4.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'LightGBM Python Package'
lightgbm 4.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Light Gradient Boosting Machine'
logrotate 3.21.0 License RPM SRPM 'Rotates, compresses, removes and mails system log files'
lua-devel 5.4.6 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for lua'
lua 5.4.6 License RPM SRPM 'Powerful light-weight programming language'
lutok-devel 0.4 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files for Lutok development'
lutok 0.4 License RPM SRPM 'Lightweight C++ API library for Lua'
lynx 2.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'A text-based Web browser.'
lz4-devel 1.9.4 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for lz4'
lz4 1.9.4 License RPM SRPM 'Extremely fast compression algorithm'
lzo-devel 2.10 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the lzo compression library.'
lzo 2.10 License RPM SRPM 'A real-time data compression library.'
lzop 1.04 License RPM SRPM 'Real-time file compressor'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter M
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
m4 1.4.19 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU macro processor.'
make 4.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users'
mariadb-backup 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'The mariabackup tool for physical online backups'
mariadb-bench 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'MariaDB benchmark scripts and data'
mariadb-common 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'The shared files required by server and client'
mariadb-connector-c-config 3.0.10 License RPM - 'Configuration files for packages that use /etc/my.cnf as a configuration file'
mariadb-connector-c-devel 3.3.4 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for mariadb-connector-c'
mariadb-connector-c 3.3.4 License RPM SRPM 'The MariaDB Native Client library (C driver)'
mariadb-devel 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'Files for development of MariaDB/MySQL applications'
mariadb-embedded 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'MariaDB as an embeddable library'
mariadb-errmsg 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'The error messages files required by server and embedded'
mariadb-gssapi-server 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'GSSAPI authentication plugin for server'
mariadb-server-utils 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'Non-essential server utilities for MariaDB/MySQL applications'
mariadb-server 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'The MariaDB server and related files'
mariadb-test 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'The test suite distributed with MariaDB'
mariadb 10.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'MariaDB'
mc 4.8.31 License RPM SRPM 'User-friendly text console file manager and visual shell.'
meson 1.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'High productivity build system'
metricbeat 7.5.2 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper for metrics.'
metricbeat 7.5.2 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Metricbeat is a lightweight shipper for metrics.'
mkfontscale 1.2.2 License RPM SRPM 'Utility to create index of scalable font files for X'
mkisofs 3.01 License RPM SRPM 'Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem.'
mod_auth_gssapi 1.6.3 License RPM SRPM 'A GSSAPI Authentication module for Apache'
mod_auth_kerb 5.4 License RPM SRPM 'Kerberos authentication module for Apache HTTP Server 2.4.X'
mod_dav_svn 1.10.8 License RPM SRPM 'Apache server module for Subversion server'
mod_http2 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Support for the HTTP/2 transport layer'
mod_lua 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Lua language module for the Apache HTTP server'
mod_perl 2.0.13 License RPM SRPM 'An embedded Perl interpreter for the Apache HTTP Server 2.4.X'
mod_proxy_html 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'Proxy HTML filter modules for the Apache HTTP server'
mod_ssl 2.4.62 License RPM SRPM 'SSL/TLS module for the Apache HTTP server'
mongo-c-driver-devel 1.23.2 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and development libraries for mongo-c-driver'
mongo-c-driver-libs 1.23.2 License RPM SRPM 'Shared libraries for mongo-c-driver'
mongo-c-driver 1.23.2 License RPM SRPM 'Client library written in C for MongoDB'
mosh 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Mobile shell that supports roaming and intelligent local echo'
mpfr-devel 4.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development tools A C library for mpfr library'
mpfr 4.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'A C library for multiple-precision floating-point computations'
mutt 2.2.13 License RPM SRPM 'A text mode mail user agent'
mysql-config 1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for mariadb-connector-c'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter N
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
nagios-devel 4.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Provides include files that Nagios-related applications may compile against'
nagios-gui 4.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Web content for nagios'
nagios-nrpe 4.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Nagios monitoring (nrpe client)'
nagios-plugins 2.4.9 License RPM SRPM 'Host/service/network monitoring program plugins for Nagios'
nagios 4.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Host/service/network monitoring program'
ncat 7.94 License RPM SRPM 'Nmap's Netcat replacement'
ncftp 3.2.6 License RPM SRPM 'An improved FTP client.'
ncurses-devel 6.4 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for the ncurses library'
ncurses 6.4 License RPM SRPM 'A terminal handling library'
neon-devel 0.33.0 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries and C header files for the neon library'
neon 0.33.0 License RPM SRPM 'An HTTP and WebDAV client library'
net-snmp-devel 5.9.3 License RPM SRPM 'The development environment for the NET-SNMP project'
net-snmp-perl 5.9.3 License RPM SRPM 'The perl NET-SNMP module and the mib2c tool'
net-snmp-utils 5.9.3 License RPM SRPM 'Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project'
net-snmp 5.9.3 License RPM SRPM 'A collection of SNMP protocol tools and libraries'
netperf 2.7.0 License RPM SRPM 'network performance management tool'
nettle-devel 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers for a low-level cryptographic library'
nettle 3.9.1 License RPM SRPM 'A low-level cryptographic library'
nghttp2 1.62.1 License RPM SRPM 'Experimental HTTP/2 client, server and proxy'
nginx 1.24.0 License RPM SRPM 'A high performance web server and reverse proxy server'
ninja-build 1.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'Small build system with a focus on speed'
nmap 7.94 License RPM SRPM 'Network exploration tool and security scanner'
nping 0.7.94 License RPM SRPM 'Nping packet generator'
npth-devel 1.5 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and libraries for GNU nPth'
npth 1.5 License RPM SRPM 'The New GNU Portable Threads library'
nspr-devel 4.32 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries for the Netscape Portable Runtime'
nspr 4.32 License RPM SRPM 'Netscape Portable Runtime'
nss-devel 3.74 License RPM SRPM 'Development libraries for Network Security Services'
nss 3.74 License RPM SRPM 'Network Security Services'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter O
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
oniguruma-devel 6.9.6 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for oniguruma'
oniguruma 6.9.6 License RPM SRPM 'Regular expressions library'
onnx-python3 1.13.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Open standard for machine learning interoperability'
onnx-python3 1.13.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Open standard for machine learning interoperability'
onnxruntime-devel 1.14.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Header files, libraries and development documentation for onnxruntime'
onnxruntime-devel 1.14.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Header files, libraries and development documentation for onnxruntime'
onnxruntime-python3 1.14.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for onnxruntime'
onnxruntime-python3 1.14.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for onnxruntime'
onnxruntime 1.14.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'ONNX Runtime'
onnxruntime 1.14.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'ONNX Runtime'
openblas-devel 0.3.28 License RPM SRPM 'An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 - development files'
openblas 0.3.28 License RPM SRPM 'An optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2'
openCIMOM 0.8 License RPM SRPM 'The SNIA CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager)'
openldap-devel 2.5.16 License RPM SRPM 'OpenLDAP development libraries and header files'
openldap 2.5.16 License RPM SRPM 'The configuration files, libraries, and documentation for OpenLDAP'
openvpn-devel 2.6.10 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and examples for OpenVPN plug-ins'
openvpn 2.6.10 License RPM SRPM 'A full-featured TLS VPN solution'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter P
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
p11-kit-devel 0.24.1 License RPM SRPM 'Library to work with PKCS#11 modules -- Development Files'
p11-kit-tools 0.24.1 License RPM SRPM 'Library to work with PKCS#11 modules -- Tools'
p11-kit 0.24.1 License RPM SRPM 'Library to work with PKCS#11 modules'
p7zip 16.02 License RPM SRPM 'Very high compression ratio file archiver'
pango-devel 1.42.4 License RPM SRPM 'System for layout and rendering of internationalized text'
pango 1.42.4 License RPM SRPM 'System for layout and rendering of internationalized text'
parallel 20190622 License RPM SRPM 'A shell tool for executing jobs in parallel'
patch 2.7.6 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files.'
pbzip2 1.1.13 License RPM SRPM 'Parallel implementation of bzip2'
pcre-devel 8.44 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for pcre'
pcre2-devel 10.40 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for pcre2'
pcre2-tools 10.40 License RPM SRPM 'Auxiliary utilities for pcre2'
pcre2 10.40 License RPM SRPM 'Perl-compatible regular expression library'
pcre 8.44 License RPM SRPM 'Perl-compatible regular expression library'
perl-Authen-SASL 2.16 License RPM SRPM 'SASL Authentication framework for Perl'
perl-Git 2.41.0 License RPM SRPM 'Perl interface to Git'
perl-JSON 4.10 License RPM SRPM 'Parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)'
perl-Net-SMTP-SSL 1.04 License RPM SRPM 'SSL support for Net'
perl-Parse-Yapp 1.21 License RPM SRPM 'Perl extension for generating and using LALR parsers'
perl 5.38.2 License RPM SRPM 'The Perl programming language.'
php8-cli 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'Command-line interface for PHP'
php8-common 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'Common files for PHP'
php8-devel 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'Files needed for building PHP extensions'
php8-fpm 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'PHP FastCGI Process Manager'
php8-gd 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications for using the gd graphics library'
php8-intl 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'Internationalization extension for PHP applications'
php8-ldap 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications that use LDAP'
php8-mbstring 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications which need multi-byte string handling'
php8-mysqlnd 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications that use MySQL databases'
php8-pdo 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A database access abstraction module for PHP applications'
php8-pgsql 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A PostgreSQL database module for PHP'
php8-soap 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications that use the SOAP protocol'
php8-xml 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications which use XML'
php8-zip 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'A module for PHP applications that use ZIP compressed archives'
php8 8.1.29 License RPM SRPM 'The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language'
pigz 2.7 License RPM SRPM 'Parallel implementation of gzip'
pinentry 1.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs'
pixman-devel 0.42.2 License RPM SRPM 'Pixel manipulation library development package'
pixman 0.42.2 License RPM SRPM 'Pixel manipulation library'
pkg-config 0.29.2 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for determining compilation options'
popt 1.19 License RPM SRPM 'C library for parsing command line parameters'
postfix-ldap 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Postfix LDAP map support'
postfix-pcre 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Postfix PCRE map support'
postfix-sqlite 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Postfix SQLite map support'
postfix 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Postfix Mail Transport Agent'
postgresql15-contrib 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'Contributed modules distributed with PostgreSQL'
postgresql15-devel 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'PostgreSQL development header files and libraries'
postgresql15-docs 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'Extra documentation for PostgreSQL'
postgresql15-libs 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients'
postgresql15-plperl 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The Perl procedural language for PostgreSQL'
postgresql15-plpython3 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The Python procedural language for PostgreSQL'
postgresql15-pltcl 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The Tcl procedural language for PostgreSQL'
postgresql15-server 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The programs needed to create and run a PostgreSQL server'
postgresql15-test 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The test suite distributed with PostgreSQL'
postgresql15 15.6 License RPM SRPM 'The shared libraries required for any PostgreSQL clients'
prngd 0.9.29 License RPM SRPM 'Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon'
proftpd-ldap 1.3.8 License RPM SRPM 'Module to add LDAP support to the ProFTPD FTP server'
proftpd-sqlite 1.3.8 License RPM SRPM 'Module to add SQLite support to the ProFTPD FTP server'
proftpd 1.3.8 License RPM SRPM 'Flexible, stable and highly-configurable FTP server'
protobuf-compiler 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Protocol Buffers compiler'
protobuf-devel 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Header files, libraries and development documentation for protobuf'
protobuf-java 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Java Bindings for Google Protocol Buffers'
protobuf-lite 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Protocol Buffers LITE_RUNTIME libraries'
protobuf-python3 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for Google Protocol Buffers'
protobuf 4.23.4 License RPM SRPM 'Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format'
pth-devel 2.0.7 License RPM SRPM 'Development headers and libraries for GNU Pth'
pth 2.0.7 License RPM SRPM 'The GNU Portable Threads library'
ptpd 2.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'The Precision Time Protocol Daemon (ptpd)'
pv 1.8.5 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline'
pysqlite 2.8.3 License RPM SRPM 'A DB API v2.0 compatible interface to SQLite 3.0'
python-argcomplete 1.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python-argparse 1.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings'
python-babel 0.9.6 License RPM SRPM 'Internationalization utilities'
python-backports_abc 0.5 License RPM SRPM 'A backport of recent additions to the module'
python-boto3 1.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
python-boto 2.34.0 License RPM SRPM 'A simple, lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services'
python-botocore 1.5.38 License RPM SRPM 'Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3'
python-cheetah 2.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'Template engine and code generator'
python-cherrypy 10.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Pythonic, object-oriented web development framework'
python-configobj 5.0.5 License RPM SRPM 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
python-coverage 3.7 License RPM SRPM 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
python-cryptography 1.8.1 License RPM SRPM 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
python-dateutil 2.6.0 License RPM SRPM 'Extensions to the standard Python datetime module'
python-decorator 4.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python-deltarpm 3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Python bindings for deltarpm'
python-devel 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'The libraries and header files needed for Python development.'
python-docs 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation for the Python programming language'
python-docutils 0.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities'
python-enum34 1.1.6 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of Python 3.4 Enum'
python-futures 3.0.5 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2'
python-httplib2 0.9.2 License RPM SRPM 'A comprehensive HTTP client library.'
python-hypothesis 3.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'A library for property based testing'
python-iniparse 0.4 License RPM SRPM 'Python Module for Accessing and Modifying Configuration Data in INI files'
python-jinja2 2.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'General purpose template engine for python2'
python-jmespath 0.9.2 License RPM SRPM 'A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services'
python-jsonpatch 1.8 License RPM SRPM 'Applying JSON Patches in Python'
python-jsonpointer 1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)'
python-keyczar 0.716 License RPM SRPM 'Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography'
python-libcloud 2.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'A Python library to address multiple cloud provider APIs'
python-markupsafe 1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python'
python-mock 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing'
python-msgpack 0.4.8 License RPM SRPM 'A Python MessagePack (de)serializer'
python-nose 1.3.0 License RPM - 'nose extends unittest to make testing easier'
python-oauth 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Library for OAuth version 1.0a'
python-paramiko 1.7.6 License RPM SRPM 'A SSH2 protocol library for python'
python-passlib 1.7.1 License RPM SRPM 'comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes'
python-pbr 1.10.0 License RPM SRPM 'PBR is a library that injects some useful behaviors into setuptools'
python-pip 10.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Tool for installing and managing Python packages.'
python-pluggy 0.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python-prettytable 0.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format'
python-py 1.4.26 License RPM SRPM 'Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities'
python-pyasn1 0.2.3 License RPM SRPM 'ASN.1 types and codecs'
python-pycrypto 2.6.1 License RPM SRPM 'Cryptographic modules for Python'
python-pycurl License RPM SRPM 'A Python interface to libcurl'
python-pygments 2.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Syntax highlighting engine written in Python'
python-pyserial 2.7 License RPM SRPM 'Python serial port access library'
python-pytest-timeout 1.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python-pytest 3.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'Simple powerful testing with Python'
python-PyYAML 3.11 License RPM SRPM 'YAML parser and emitter for Python'
python-pyzmq 16.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'General purpose template engine for python2'
python-requests 2.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings'
python-s3transfer 0.1.10 License RPM SRPM 'S3transfer is a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers'
python-setuptools-devel 0.9.8 License RPM SRPM 'Download, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages'
python-setuptools 0.9.8 License RPM SRPM 'Easily download, build, install, upgrade, and uninstall Python packages'
python-singledispatch License RPM SRPM 'This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.4 to Python 2.6-3.3'
python-six 1.10.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities'
python-sphinx 1.1.3 License RPM SRPM 'Python documentation generator'
python-swiftclient 3.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python Swift client API and command-line script.'
python-test 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'The test modules from the main python package'
python-tkinter 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.'
python-tools 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'A collection of development tools included with Python.'
python-tornado-doc 4.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Examples for python-tornado'
python-tornado 4.5.1 License RPM SRPM 'Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools'
python-unittest2 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'The new features in unittest for Python 2.7 backported to Python 2.3+.'
python-urlgrabber 3.10.1 License RPM SRPM 'A high-level cross-protocol url-grabber'
python-xml 0.8.4 License RPM SRPM 'XML libraries for python'
python3-alabaster 0.7.12 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-alabaster'
python3-argparse 1.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-argparse'
python3-attrs 19.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-attrs'
python3-augeas 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-augeas'
python3-babel 2.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-babel'
python3-backports_abc 0.5 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-backports_abc'
python3-bcrypt 3.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-bcrypt'
python3-blinker 1.6.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-blinker'
python3-boto3 1.10.46 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-boto3'
python3-boto 2.49.0 License RPM SRPM 'A simple, lightweight interface to Amazon Web Services'
python3-botocore 1.13.46 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-botocore'
python3-certifi 2019.9.11 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-certifi'
python3-cffi 1.13.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cffi'
python3-chardet 3.0.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-chardet'
python3-charset-normalizer 2.0.12 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-charset-normalizer'
python3-cheetah3 3.2.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cheetah3'
python3-cheroot 8.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cheroot'
python3-cherrypy 18.5.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cherrypy'
python3-click 8.1.6 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-click'
python3-configobj 5.0.6 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-configobj'
python3-contourpy 1.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-contourpy'
python3-coverage 4.5.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-coverage'
python3-cppy 1.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cppy'
python3-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3-cryptography 3.4.7 (5.2) License RPM - 'Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography'
python3-cryptography 43.0.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography'
python3-cryptography 43.0.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cryptography'
python3-cycler 0.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-cycler'
python3-Cython 3.0.8 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-Cython'
python3-dateutil 2.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-dateutil'
python3-decorator 4.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-decorator'
python3-devel 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files needed for Python development'
python3-distro 1.5.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-distro'
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Local Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF'
python3-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Metapackage for Core Plugins for DNF'
python3-dnf 4.2.17 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package forPython 3 interface to DNF'
python3-dnf 4.2.17 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package forPython 3 interface to DNF'
python3-dnf 4.2.17 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 interface to DNF'
python3-docs 3.7.15 License RPM - 'Documentation for the Python programming language'
python3-docutils 0.19 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-docutils'
python3-flask 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-flask'
python3-fonttools 4.42.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-fonttools'
python3-futures3 1.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-futures3'
python3-gpg 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'peta package for gpgme bindings for Python 3'
python3-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3-httplib2 0.15.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-httplib2'
python3-hypothesis 4.47.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-hypothesis'
python3-idle 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'A basic graphical development environment for Python'
python3-idna 2.8 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-idna'
python3-imagesize 1.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-imagesize'
python3-importlib-metadata 6.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-importlib-metadata'
python3-importlib_resources 6.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-importlib_resources'
python3-itsdangerous 2.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-itsdangerous'
python3-jaraco.classes 3.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.classes'
python3-jaraco.collections 3.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.collections'
python3-jaraco.functools 3.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.functools'
python3-jaraco.text 3.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jaraco.text'
python3-jinja2 3.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jinja2'
python3-jmespath 0.9.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jmespath'
python3-joblib 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-joblib'
python3-jsonpatch 1.24 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jsonpatch'
python3-jsonpointer 2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jsonpointer'
python3-jsonschema 4.17.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-jsonschema'
python3-keyczar 0.71rc0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-keyczar'
python3-kiwisolver 1.4.5 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-kiwisolver'
python3-libcloud 2.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-libcloud'
python3-libcomps 0.1.15 License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for libcomps library'
python3-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3-librepo 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta package for Python 3 bindings for the librepo library'
python3-libxslt 1.1.37 License RPM SRPM 'Python bindings for the libxslt library'
python3-linecache2 1.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-linecache2'
python3-looseversion 1.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-looseversion'
python3-lxml 5.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-lxml'
python3-markupsafe 2.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-markupsafe'
python3-matplotlib 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-matplotlib'
python3-maturin 1.7.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-maturin'
python3-maturin 1.7.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-maturin'
python3-mock 3.0.5 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-mock'
python3-mod_wsgi 5.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for mod_wsgi'
python3-more-itertools 7.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-more-itertools'
python3-msgpack 0.6.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-msgpack'
python3-netifaces 0.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-netifaces'
python3-nose 1.3.7 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-nose'
python3-numpy-f2py 1.26.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-numpy-f2py'
python3-numpy 1.26.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-numpy'
python3-oauthlib 3.2.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-oauthlib'
python3-packaging 23.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-packaging'
python3-pandas 2.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pandas'
python3-paramiko 3.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-paramiko'
python3-passlib 1.7.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-passlib'
python3-pbr 5.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pbr'
python3-pillow 10.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pillow'
python3-pip 23.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pip'
python3-pluggy 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pluggy'
python3-portend 2.6 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-portend'
python3-prettytable 0.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-prettytable'
python3-psutil-tests 5.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-psutil-tests'
python3-psutil 5.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-psutil'
python3-py 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-py'
python3-pyasn1 0.4.8 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyasn1'
python3-pybind11 2.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pybind11'
python3-pycparser 2.19 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pycparser'
python3-pycrypto 2.6.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pycrypto'
python3-pycryptodomex-selftest 3.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pycryptodomex-selftest'
python3-pycryptodomex 3.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pycryptodomex'
python3-pycurl 7.44.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pycurl'
python3-pygments-pytest 1.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pygments-pytest'
python3-pygments 2.16.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pygments'
python3-pynacl 1.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pynacl'
python3-pyparsing 2.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyparsing'
python3-pyrsistent 0.19.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyrsistent'
python3-pyserial 3.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyserial'
python3-pyspnego 0.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyspnego'
python3-pytest-html-reporter 0.2.9 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pytest-html-reporter'
python3-pytest-timeout 1.3.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pytest-timeout'
python3-pytest 5.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pytest'
python3-pytz 2023.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pytz'
python3-pyyaml License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyyaml'
python3-pyzmq 21.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-pyzmq'
python3-requests-kerberos 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-requests-kerberos'
python3-requests 2.31.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-requests'
python3-resolvelib 0.5.4 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-resolvelib'
python3-s3transfer 0.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-s3transfer'
python3-scikit-learn 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-scikit-learn'
python3-scipy 1.11.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-scipy'
python3-scons 4.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-scons'
python3-semantic_version 2.8.5 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-semantic_version'
python3-setuptools-rust 0.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-setuptools-rust'
python3-setuptools 72.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-setuptools'
python3-singledispatch License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-singledispatch'
python3-six 1.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-six'
python3-snowballstemmer 2.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-snowballstemmer'
python3-sphinx-removed-in 0.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinx-removed-in'
python3-sphinx 7.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinx'
python3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-applehelp'
python3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-devhelp'
python3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp'
python3-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-jsmath'
python3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-qthelp'
python3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml'
python3-sphinxcontrib-trio 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-sphinxcontrib-trio'
python3-swiftclient 3.8.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-swiftclient'
python3-tempora 2.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-tempora'
python3-test 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'The self-test suite for the main python3 package'
python3-threadpoolctl 2.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-threadpoolctl'
python3-tkinter 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'A GUI toolkit for Python'
python3-tomli 2.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-tomli'
python3-tools 3.7.15 License RPM - 'A collection of development tools included with Python.'
python3-tornado-doc 6.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-tornado-doc'
python3-tornado 6.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-tornado'
python3-traceback2 1.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-traceback2'
python3-tzdata 2023.3 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-tzdata'
python3-unittest2 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'The new features in unittest for Python 2.7 backported to Python 2.3+.'
python3-urllib3 2.0.7 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-urllib3'
python3-wcwidth 0.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-wcwidth'
python3-werkzeug 2.3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-werkzeug'
python3-wheel 0.41.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-wheel'
python3-zc.lockfile 2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-zc.lockfile'
python3-zipp 3.16.2 License RPM SRPM 'Meta-package for python3.9-zipp'
python3.11-devel 3.11.9 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files needed for Python development'
python3.11-idle 3.11.9 License RPM SRPM 'A basic graphical development environment for Python'
python3.11-pip 23.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages'
python3.11-setuptools 72.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Easily build and distribute Python packages'
python3.11-test 3.11.9 License RPM SRPM 'The self-test suite for the main python3 package'
python3.11-tkinter 3.11.9 License RPM SRPM 'A GUI toolkit for Python'
python3.11 3.11.9 License RPM SRPM 'Version 3.11 of the Python interpreter'
python3.7-devel 3.7.16 License RPM SRPM 'The libraries and header files needed for Python development.'
python3.7-test 3.7.16 License RPM SRPM 'The test modules from the main python package'
python3.7-tkinter 3.7.16 License RPM SRPM 'A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.'
python3.7-tools 3.7.16 License RPM SRPM 'A collection of development tools included with Python.'
python3.7 3.7.16 License RPM SRPM 'An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.'
python3.9-alabaster 0.7.12 License RPM SRPM 'Configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme'
python3.9-argparse 1.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings'
python3.9-attrs 19.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python attributes without boilerplate'
python3.9-augeas 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python bindings to augeas'
python3.9-babel 2.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Internationalization utilities'
python3.9-backports_abc 0.5 License RPM SRPM 'A backport of recent additions to the module'
python3.9-bcrypt 3.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'File encryption utility'
python3.9-blinker 1.6.2 License RPM SRPM 'Fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling'
python3.9-boto3 1.10.46 License RPM SRPM 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
python3.9-botocore 1.13.46 License RPM SRPM 'Low-level, data-driven core of boto 3'
python3.9-certifi 2019.9.11 License RPM SRPM 'Python package for providing Mozilla's CA Bundle'
python3.9-cffi 1.13.2 License RPM SRPM 'C parser and AST generator written in Python'
python3.9-chardet 3.0.4 License RPM SRPM 'Character encoding auto-detection in Python'
python3.9-charset-normalizer 2.0.12 License RPM SRPM 'The Real First Universal Charset Detector'
python3.9-cheetah3 3.2.4 License RPM SRPM 'Template engine and code generator'
python3.9-cheroot 8.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'Highly-optimized, pure-python HTTP server'
python3.9-cherrypy 18.5.0 License RPM SRPM 'Pythonic, object-oriented web development framework'
python3.9-click 8.1.6 License RPM SRPM 'Simple wrapper around optparse for powerful command line utilities'
python3.9-configobj 5.0.6 License RPM SRPM 'Config file reading, writing and validation.'
python3.9-contourpy 1.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'ContourPy is a Python library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids.'
python3.9-coverage 4.5.4 License RPM SRPM 'Code coverage measurement for Python'
python3.9-cppy 1.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'cppy is a small C++ header library which makes it easier to write Python extension modules.'
python3.9-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3.9-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3.9-createrepo_c 0.16.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the createrepo_c library'
python3.9-cryptography 3.4.7 (5.2) License RPM - 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
python3.9-cryptography 43.0.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
python3.9-cryptography 43.0.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'A small but fast and easy to use stand-alone template engine written in pure python.'
python3.9-cycler 0.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'cycler provides a simple interface for creating base cycler objects.'
python3.9-Cython 3.0.8 License RPM SRPM 'A language for writing Python 3 extension modules'
python3.9-dateutil 2.8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Extensions to the standard Python datetime module'
python3.9-decorator 4.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python3.9-devel 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries and header files needed for Python development'
python3.9-distro 1.5.0 License RPM SRPM 'Linux Distribution - a Linux OS platform information API'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-leaves 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Local Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Local Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-local 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Local Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-migrate 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Migrate Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-post-transaction-actions 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Post transaction actions Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-show-leaves 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Show-leaves Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugin-versionlock 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Version Lock Plugin for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
python3.9-dnf-plugins-core 4.0.16 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Core Plugins for DNF'
python3.9-dnf 4.2.17 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 interface to DNF'
python3.9-dnf 4.2.17 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 interface to DNF'
python3.9-dnf 4.2.17 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 interface to DNF'
python3.9-docutils 0.19 License RPM SRPM 'Docutils -- Python Documentation Utilities'
python3.9-flask 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'A micro-framework for Python based on Werkzeug, Jinja 2 and good intentions'
python3.9-fonttools 4.42.1 License RPM SRPM 'fontTools is a library for manipulating fonts, written in Python.'
python3.9-futures3 1.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of the concurrent.futures package from Python 3.2'
python3.9-gpg 1.13.1 License RPM SRPM 'gpgme bindings for Python 3'
python3.9-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3.9-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3.9-hawkey 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the hawkey library'
python3.9-httplib2 0.15.0 License RPM SRPM 'A comprehensive HTTP client library.'
python3.9-hypothesis 4.47.4 License RPM SRPM 'A library for property based testing'
python3.9-idle 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'A basic graphical development environment for Python'
python3.9-idna 2.8 License RPM SRPM 'Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)'
python3.9-imagesize 1.4.1 License RPM SRPM 'Python module for analyzing image file headers and returning image sizes'
python3.9-importlib-metadata 6.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Read metadata from Python packages'
python3.9-importlib_resources 6.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'A tool to backport of Python standard library importlib.resources module'
python3.9-itsdangerous 2.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Library for passing trusted data to untrusted environments'
python3.9-jaraco.classes 3.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages'
python3.9-jaraco.collections 3.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Models and classes to supplement the stdlib collections module.'
python3.9-jaraco.functools 3.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Functools like those found in stdlib'
python3.9-jaraco.text 3.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'This package provides handy routines for dealing with text'
python3.9-jinja2 3.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'General purpose template engine for python3'
python3.9-jmespath 0.9.4 License RPM SRPM 'A low-level interface to a growing number of Amazon Web Services'
python3.9-joblib 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Lightweight pipelining'
python3.9-jsonpatch 1.24 License RPM SRPM 'Applying JSON Patches in Python'
python3.9-jsonpointer 2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Identify specific nodes in a JSON document (RFC 6901)'
python3.9-jsonschema 4.17.3 License RPM SRPM 'Implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python'
python3.9-keyczar 0.71rc0 License RPM SRPM 'Toolkit for safe and simple cryptography'
python3.9-kiwisolver 1.4.5 License RPM SRPM 'Kiwi is an efficient C++ implementation of the Cassowary constraint solving algorithm.'
python3.9-libcloud 2.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'A Python library to address multiple cloud provider APIs'
python3.9-libcomps 0.1.15 License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for libcomps library'
python3.9-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3.9-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3.9-libdnf 0.39.1 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the libdnf library.'
python3.9-librepo 1.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python 3 bindings for the librepo library'
python3.9-linecache2 1.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of the linecache module'
python3.9-looseversion 1.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Version numbering for anarchists and software realists'
python3.9-lxml 5.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'XML processing library combining libxml2/libxslt with the ElementTree API'
python3.9-markupsafe 2.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Implements a XML/HTML/XHTML Markup safe string for Python'
python3.9-matplotlib 3.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for plotting graphs'
python3.9-maturin 1.7.0 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Build and publish Rust crates as Python packages'
python3.9-maturin 1.7.0 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Build and publish Rust crates as Python packages'
python3.9-mock 3.0.5 License RPM SRPM 'A Python Mocking and Patching Library for Testing'
python3.9-mod_wsgi 5.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'A WSGI interface for Python web applications in Apache'
python3.9-more-itertools 7.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python library for efficient use of itertools utility'
python3.9-msgpack 0.6.2 License RPM SRPM 'A Python MessagePack (de)serializer'
python3.9-netifaces 0.11.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python library to retrieve information about network interfaces'
python3.9-nose 1.3.7 License RPM SRPM 'nose extends unittest to make testing easier'
python3.9-numpy-f2py 1.26.2 License RPM SRPM 'f2py for numpy'
python3.9-numpy 1.26.2 License RPM SRPM 'A fast multidimensional array facility for Python'
python3.9-oauthlib 3.2.2 License RPM SRPM 'An implementation of the OAuth request-signing logic'
python3.9-packaging 23.1 License RPM SRPM 'Core utilities for Python packages'
python3.9-pandas 2.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Python library providing high-performance data analysis tools'
python3.9-paramiko 3.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'A SSH2 protocol library for python'
python3.9-passlib 1.7.1 License RPM SRPM 'comprehensive password hashing framework supporting over 30 schemes'
python3.9-pbr 5.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'PBR is a library that injects some useful behaviors into setuptools'
python3.9-pillow 10.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Pillow is the friendly PIL fork by Jeffrey A. Clark (Alex) and contributors.'
python3.9-pip 23.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for installing and managing Python3 packages'
python3.9-pluggy 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python3.9-portend 2.6 License RPM SRPM 'TCP port monitoring utilities'
python3.9-prettytable 0.7.2 License RPM SRPM 'A simple Python library for easily displaying tabular data in a visually appealing ASCII table format'
python3.9-psutil-tests 5.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python, test suite'
python3.9-psutil 5.9.0 License RPM SRPM 'Cross-platform lib for process and system monitoring in Python.'
python3.9-py 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Library with cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities'
python3.9-pyasn1 0.4.8 License RPM SRPM 'ASN.1 types and codecs'
python3.9-pybind11 2.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'Seamless operability between C++11 and Python'
python3.9-pycparser 2.19 License RPM SRPM 'C parser and AST generator written in Python'
python3.9-pycrypto 2.6.1 License RPM SRPM 'Cryptographic modules for Python'
python3.9-pycryptodomex-selftest 3.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'PyCryptodome test suite module'
python3.9-pycryptodomex 3.20.0 License RPM SRPM 'A self-contained cryptographic library for Python'
python3.9-pycurl 7.44.1 License RPM SRPM 'A Python interface to libcurl'
python3.9-pygments-pytest 1.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'A pygments lexer for pytest output'
python3.9-pygments 2.16.1 License RPM SRPM 'Syntax highlighting engine written in Python'
python3.9-pynacl 1.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library'
python3.9-pyparsing 2.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'Python package with an object-oriented approach to text processing'
python3.9-pyrsistent 0.19.3 License RPM SRPM 'Persistent/Functional/Immutable data structures'
python3.9-pyserial 3.4 License RPM SRPM 'Python serial port access library'
python3.9-pyspnego 0.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Windows Negotiate Authentication Client and Server'
python3.9-pytest-html-reporter 0.2.9 License RPM SRPM 'Pytest plugin for generating static HTML reports'
python3.9-pytest-timeout 1.3.3 License RPM SRPM 'Better living through Python with decorators'
python3.9-pytest 5.3.1 License RPM SRPM 'Simple powerful testing with Python'
python3.9-pytz 2023.3 License RPM SRPM 'World timezone definitions, modern and historical'
python3.9-pyyaml License RPM SRPM 'YAML parser and emitter for Python'
python3.9-pyzmq 21.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'General purpose template engine for python2'
python3.9-requests-kerberos 0.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'A Kerberos authentication handler for python-requests'
python3.9-requests 2.31.0 License RPM SRPM 'HTTP library, written in Python, for human beings'
python3.9-resolvelib 0.5.4 License RPM SRPM 'Resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones'
python3.9-s3transfer 0.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'S3transfer is a Python library for managing Amazon S3 transfers'
python3.9-scikit-learn 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Python modules for machine learning and data mining'
python3.9-scipy 1.11.2 License RPM SRPM 'Scientific Tools for Python'
python3.9-scons 4.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'An Open Source software construction tool'
python3.9-semantic_version 2.8.5 License RPM SRPM 'Library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme'
python3.9-setuptools-rust 0.12.1 License RPM SRPM 'Setuptools Rust extension plugin'
python3.9-setuptools 72.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Easily build and distribute Python packages'
python3.9-singledispatch License RPM SRPM 'This library brings functools.singledispatch from Python 3.7 to Python 2.6-3.6'
python3.9-six 1.13.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities'
python3.9-snowballstemmer 2.0.0 License RPM SRPM 'Provides 16 stemmer algorithms generated from Snowball algorithms'
python3.9-sphinx-removed-in 0.2.1 License RPM SRPM 'versionremoved and removed-in directives for Sphinx'
python3.9-sphinx 7.1.2 License RPM SRPM 'Python documentation generator'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for Apple help books'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for Devhelp documents'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 2.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for HTML help files'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for math in HTML via JavaScript'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for QtHelp documents'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Sphinx extension for serialized HTML'
python3.9-sphinxcontrib-trio 1.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'sphinx extension to document python code'
python3.9-swiftclient 3.8.1 License RPM SRPM 'Python Swift client API and command-line script.'
python3.9-tempora 2.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Objects and routines pertaining to date and time (tempora)'
python3.9-test 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'The self-test suite for the main python3 package'
python3.9-threadpoolctl 2.2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Thread-pool Control'
python3.9-tkinter 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'A GUI toolkit for Python'
python3.9-tomli 2.0.1 License RPM SRPM 'A little TOML parser for Python'
python3.9-tornado-doc 6.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Examples for python-tornado'
python3.9-tornado 6.0.3 License RPM SRPM 'Scalable, non-blocking web server and tools'
python3.9-traceback2 1.4.0 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of the traceback module'
python3.9-tzdata 2023.3 License RPM SRPM 'Provider of IANA time zone data'
python3.9-urllib3 2.0.7 License RPM SRPM 'HTTP library with thread-safe connection pooling, file post, and more'
python3.9-wcwidth 0.1.7 License RPM SRPM 'Measures number of Terminal column cells of wide-character codes'
python3.9-werkzeug 2.3.6 License RPM SRPM 'Comprehensive WSGI web application library'
python3.9-wheel 0.41.2 License RPM SRPM 'This library is the reference implementation of the Python wheel packaging standard'
python3.9-zc.lockfile 2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Basic Inter-Process Locks'
python3.9-zipp 3.16.2 License RPM SRPM 'Backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files'
python3.9 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'Version 3.9 of the Python interpreter'
python3 3.9.20 License RPM SRPM 'Version 3.9.20 of the Python interpreter'
python 2.7.18 License RPM SRPM 'An interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter Q
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter R
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
R-devel 4.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'Files for development of R packages'
R 4.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'A language for data analysis and graphics'
rclone 1.64.2 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Rsync for cloud storage'
rclone 1.64.2 (7.3) License RPM SRPM 'Rsync for cloud storage'
rcs 5.7 License RPM SRPM 'Revision Control System (RCS) file version management tools.'
readline-devel 8.2 License RPM SRPM 'Files needed to develop programs which use the readline library'
readline 8.2 License RPM SRPM 'A library for editing typed command lines'
renderproto 0.11.1 License RPM SRPM 'X.Org X11 Protocol renderproto'
rkhunter 1.4.6 License RPM SRPM 'A host-based tool to scan for rootkits, backdoors and local exploits'
rlwrap 0.46.1 License RPM SRPM 'Wrapper for GNU readline'
rpcgen 1.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'RPC protocol compiler'
rpcsvc-proto-devel 1.4.4 License RPM SRPM 'RPC protocol definitions'
rpm-macros-tbox-compilers 1.0 - RPM SRPM 'rpm macros for tbox compilers'
rpm-python3.9 4.15.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.'
rpm-python3.9 4.15.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.'
rpm-python3.9 4.15.1 (7.3) License RPM - 'This package contains files to be added on top of rpm-devel for python developements.'
rpm-python3 4.15.1 (7.1) License RPM SRPM 'Metapackage for rpm-python3.9'
rpm-python3 4.15.1 (7.2) License RPM SRPM 'Metapackage for rpm-python3.9'
rpm-python3 4.15.1 (7.3) License RPM - 'Metapackage for rpm-python3.9'
rrdtool-cached 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Data caching daemon for RRDtool'
rrdtool-devel 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'RRDtool static libraries and header files'
rrdtool-lua 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Lua RRDtool bindings'
rrdtool-perl 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Perl RRDtool bindings'
rrdtool-python 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Python RRDtool bindings'
rrdtool-ruby 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Ruby RRDtool bindings'
rrdtool-tcl 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Tcl RRDtool bindings'
rrdtool 1.8.0 License RPM SRPM 'Round Robin Database Tool to store and display time-series data'
rsync 3.3.0 License RPM SRPM 'A program for synchronizing files over a network.'
ruby-devel 3.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'A Ruby development environment'
ruby 3.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'An interpreter of object-oriented scripting language'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter S
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
salt-api 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'REST API for Salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt-cloud 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'Cloud provisioner for Salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt-master 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'Management component for salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt-minion 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'Client component for Salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt-ssh 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'Agentless SSH-based version of Salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt-syndic 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'Master-of-master component for Salt, a parallel remote execution system'
salt 3006.2 License RPM SRPM 'A parallel remote execution system'
samba-client 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba client programs'
samba-common 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Files used by both Samba servers and clients'
samba-devel 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Developer tools for Samba libraries'
samba-libs 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba libraries'
samba-pidl 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Perl IDL compiler'
samba-python3 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba Python3 libraries'
samba-python 4.10.13 License RPM - 'Samba Python libraries'
samba-test-libs 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries need by the testing tools for Samba servers and clients'
samba-test 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Testing tools for Samba servers and clients'
samba-winbind-clients 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba winbind clients'
samba-winbind-devel 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Developer tools for the winbind library'
samba-winbind-krb5-locator 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba winbind krb5 locator'
samba-winbind 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Samba winbind'
samba 4.18.9 License RPM SRPM 'Server and Client software to interoperate with Windows machines'
screen 4.7.0 License RPM SRPM 'A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal'
sed 4.9 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU stream text editor.'
sendmail 8.17.1 License RPM SRPM 'The Sendmail program is a very widely used Mail Transport Agent (MTA).'
serf-devel 1.3.10 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for developing apps which use serf.'
serf 1.3.10 License RPM SRPM 'High-Performance Asynchronous HTTP Client Library'
shared-mime-info 1.6 License RPM SRPM 'Shared MIME information database'
slang-devel 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'The static library and header files for development using S-Lang.'
slang 2.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'The shared library for the S-Lang extension language.'
smake 1.3.2 License RPM SRPM 'SMake -- Makefile generator.'
snappy-devel 1.1.9 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for snappy'
snappy 1.1.9 License RPM SRPM 'A fast compressor/decompressor library'
socat License RPM SRPM 'Bidirectional data relay between two data channels ('netcat++')'
splint License RPM SRPM 'An implementation of the lint program'
sqlite-devel 3.45.3 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use sqlite.'
sqlite-doc 3.45.3 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation for sqlite'
sqlite 3.45.3 License RPM SRPM 'Library that implements an embeddable SQL database engine'
squid 6.11 License RPM SRPM 'The Squid proxy caching server.'
sshpass 1.10 License RPM SRPM 'Non-interactive SSH authentication utility'
stunnel 5.70 License RPM SRPM 'An SSL-encrypting socket wrapper'
subversion-devel 1.10.8 License RPM SRPM 'Development package for the Subversion libraries'
subversion-tools 1.10.8 License RPM SRPM 'Tools for Subversion'
subversion 1.10.8 License RPM SRPM 'A Concurrent Versioning system similar to but better than CVS.'
sudo 1.9.15p5 License RPM SRPM 'Allows restricted root access for specified users.'
sudo_ids 1.9.15p5 License RPM SRPM 'Allows restricted root access for specified users.'
sudo_noldap 1.9.15p5 License RPM SRPM 'Allows restricted root access for specified users.'
swig-doc 4.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Documentation files for SWIG'
swig-gdb 4.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Commands for easier debugging of SWIG'
swig 4.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Connects C/C++/Objective C to some high-level programming languages'

Back to top

Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter T
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
tar 1.35 License RPM SRPM 'A GNU file archiving program.'
tcl-devel 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'Tcl scripting language development environment'
tcl-static 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'Tcl scripting language development environment'
tcl 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'Tcl scripting language development environment'
tcllib 1.21 License RPM SRPM 'The standard Tcl library'
tcpdump 4.99.3 License RPM SRPM 'A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.'
tcping 2.1.0 License RPM SRPM 'Check of TCP connection to a given IP/Port'
tcsh 6.11 License RPM SRPM 'An enhanced version of csh, the C shell.'
test-dummy-devel 1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Development Test packages for yum testing'
test-dummy-libs 1.1 License RPM SRPM 'libs dummpy package'
test-dummy 1.1 License RPM SRPM 'Test packages for yum testing'
texinfo 7.0.2 License RPM SRPM 'Tools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files.'
tightvnc-server 1.3.10 License RPM SRPM 'TightVNC server'
tightvnc 1.3.10 License RPM SRPM 'A remote display system.'
tk-devel 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'Tk graphical toolkit development files'
tk-static 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'Tk graphical toolkit development files'
tk 8.6.13 License RPM SRPM 'The graphical toolkit for the Tcl scripting language'
tkinter 2.7.13 License RPM - 'A graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.'
tla 1.3.4 License RPM SRPM 'GNU arch revision control system'
tlog 13 License RPM SRPM 'Terminal I/O logger'
tmux 3.3a License RPM SRPM 'A terminal multiplexer'
tree 2.1.1 License RPM SRPM 'File system tree viewer'
tripwire License RPM SRPM 'IDS (Intrusion Detection System)'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter U
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
unixODBC-devel 2.3.9 License RPM SRPM 'Includes and static libraries for ODBC development'
unixODBC 2.3.9 License RPM SRPM 'ODBC driver manager and drivers for PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.'
unrar 6.2.12 License RPM SRPM 'Extract, test and view RAR archives'
unzip 6.0 License RPM SRPM 'Unpacks ZIP files such as those made by pkzip under DOS'
urw-fonts 2.0 License RPM SRPM 'Free versions of the 35 standard PostScript fonts.'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter V
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
vim-common 9.1.0698 License RPM SRPM 'The common files needed by any version of the VIM editor'
vim-enhanced 9.1.0698 License RPM SRPM 'A version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements'
vim-minimal 9.1.0698 License RPM SRPM 'A minimal version of the VIM editor'
vim-X11 9.1.0698 License RPM SRPM 'The VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter W
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
wget 1.21.4 License RPM SRPM 'A utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols'
which 2.14 License RPM SRPM 'Displays where a particular program in your path is located.'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter X
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
Xaw3d-devel 1.5 License RPM - 'Header files and static libraries for development using Xaw3d.'
Xaw3d 1.5 License RPM - 'A version of the MIT Athena widget set for X.'
xcb-proto 1.14 License RPM SRPM 'XCB protocol descriptions'
xft 2.1.6 License RPM SRPM 'X Font Rendering library'
xgboost-devel 1.7.6 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for xgboost'
xgboost-python3 1.7.6 License RPM SRPM 'xgboost Python Package'
xgboost 1.7.6 License RPM SRPM 'eXtreme Gradient Boosting'
xproto-devel 7.0.28 License RPM SRPM 'The xproto header'
xz-devel 5.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'Devel libraries & headers for liblzma'
xz-libs 5.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'Libraries for decoding LZMA compression'
xz-lzma-compat 5.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'Older LZMA format compatibility binaries'
xz 5.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'LZMA compression utilities'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter Y
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
yum-metadata-parser 1.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'A fast metadata parser for yum'
yum-plugin-aliases 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to enable aliases filters'
yum-plugin-allowdowngrade 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to enable manual downgrading of packages'
yum-plugin-basearchonly 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Install only basearch packages on mutiarch systems.'
yum-plugin-changelog 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin for viewing package changelogs before/after updating'
yum-plugin-downloadonly 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to add downloadonly command option'
yum-plugin-fastestmirror 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin which chooses fastest repository from a mirrorlist'
yum-plugin-filter-data 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to list filter based on package data'
yum-plugin-keys 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to deal with signing keys'
yum-plugin-list-data 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to list aggregate package data'
yum-plugin-local 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to automatically manage a local repo. of downloaded packages'
yum-plugin-merge-conf 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to merge configuration changes when installing packages'
yum-plugin-post-transaction-actions 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to run arbitrary commands when certain pkgs are acted on'
yum-plugin-priorities 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'plugin to give priorities to packages from different repos'
yum-plugin-protectbase 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to protect packages from certain repositories.'
yum-plugin-ps 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to look at processes, with respect to packages'
yum-plugin-remove-with-leaves 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to remove dependencies which are no longer used because of a removal'
yum-plugin-rpm-warm-cache 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to access the rpmdb files early to warm up access to the db'
yum-plugin-show-leaves 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin which shows newly installed leaf packages'
yum-plugin-tmprepo 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to add temporary repositories'
yum-plugin-tsflags 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to add tsflags by a commandline option'
yum-plugin-verify 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to add verify command, and options'
yum-plugin-versionlock 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Yum plugin to lock specified packages from being updated'
yum-utils 1.1.31 License RPM SRPM 'Utilities based around the yum package manager'
yum 3.4.3 License RPM SRPM 'RPM installer/updater'

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Alphabetical listing for packages-Letter Z
Package Version License Binary RPM Source RPM Description
zchunk-devel 1.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'Headers for building against zchunk'
zchunk-libs 1.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'Zchunk library'
zchunk 1.1.4 License RPM SRPM 'Compressed file format that allows easy deltas'
zeromq-devel 4.3.5 License RPM SRPM 'Development files for zeromq'
zeromq 4.3.5 License RPM SRPM 'Software library for fast, message-based applications'
zip 3.0 License RPM - 'A file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP'
zlib-devel 1.2.13 License RPM SRPM 'Header files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib.'
zlib 1.2.13 License RPM SRPM 'The zlib compression and decompression library.'
zoo 2.10 License RPM SRPM 'file archiving utility with compression'
zsh 5.9 License RPM SRPM 'A powerful interactive shell'
zstd 1.5.2 License RPM SRPM 'Zstd compression library'

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